Friday, March 21, 2008

Radical Love ...

I have just completed preparing a message titled "Radical Love" You can click the play button on the convenient player to the left, it is the icon that looks like a megaphone, the icon just to the left of it looks like a paper (I know it's small) if you click that you can download and view the notes in pdf format.

Please if you have 27minutes to spare take some time and listen to it, I believe it will be an encouragement and a blessing to you, and if you like please comment on anything from the volume to the sound quality to the content and context of the message.

Thank you :)

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Thoughts on prayer- or lack of...

"Those with depth in their soul pray. The shallow-souls do not pray." - Brian Zahnd from his blog.

I also think as Jesus said in Matthew 12:34 'out of the abundance of ones heart so he will confess it'
I believe people have no "depth in their soul" because they have not fed their spirit with the Word= the Words of Life, His Words are Spirit and they are Life.
Rom 10:17 faith comes by hearing and hearing and hearing the word of God. if there is no multiplication of hearing then there is no depth of the soul and no yearning, no groan, no cry in the spirit for prayers to a God that said person is probably unsure hears/acts/exists... random thoughts

Monday, March 17, 2008

Momentary Light Affliction

Life is funny sometimes, sometimes its not. God is funny sometimes, and sometimes not so much. I was reading 2 corinthians and i believe chapter 3/4 there is this line that says "momentary light affliction" We are to view our lives in the light of eternity. We ARE currently citizens of heaven ya know. So shouldn't our paradigm, our point of view, our reality derive its self from this vantage point?

Funny how God says to focus on eternity in stead of these momentary light afflictions, of course He could say that since He went to the Cross, of yes but that is not all. He was mocked, beaten, scorn, betrayed, pierced, spat on, human... and constantly let down by those around Him yet, for that 1 day that all of God's wrath and punishment for sin burned against our Lord Jesus on that fateful day, He counted it as joy, as a momentary light affliction, for the surpassing greatness of the riches of His Glorious fellowship towards us, His Beloved. 1 day of absolute torture for eternity- ok lets be honest 33 years of torture. 33 years ----- Eternity I wonder which ways heavier?

I know this could sound super spiritual and thats not my intention, i don't have it all down. but it encourages me to be challenged to make moment to moment, hour to hour, day to day choices to consider the life we have eternal and perfer IT over what we experience today.

SO let that grudge go, let the betrayl go, let mutiny go, let bygones be bygones and I believe you will experience more of the then -eternity- now.