Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Remebering the Rest

I have been thinking a lot about this. Pastor has been prophesied over that this 2007 is the seventh year of the church and it would be restful and "break". I have been claiming it for my life as well. Something hit me though. Entering into His rest is not necessarily doing nothing, but rather being in a state that the Holy Spirit is always enduing with power, GOd is always imparting strength for our weakness. I believe that until learn total abandonment and surrender and be "weak" for GOd we can not see His strength, and when we embrace His strength we can relax because it is not US doing anything it is HIM, therefore this is rest. It speaks in I Cor. about carrying about the Death of Christ in our bodies that we may also display His power. This is the context of the earthen vessels in II Cor. Is. 66:2-3 talks about how to get GOd's attention, a broken and contrite spirit, so that the Potter can take the broken pieces of clay, melt them down and reform them into something that could only be made by the Master.

So let us contend with all we are against lethargy and laziness- that is the Spirit of SLumber- and work dilligently 6 days :) and the 7th rest in God's presence and power.

The Mountain top experiences are to prepare and equip us to go back down and through the valley, thereby Faith to Faith, GLory to Glory.

just thoughts...


Lex said...

That's good stuff. Maybe that's why it seems like that year of rest is tardy - because I've been looking for a vacation and not actually resting in His omni-everything.